Friday, November 6, 2020

The Gravesite of Captain Robert Bean

Dr. Randy Turpin locates the gravesite of his fifth great-grandfather, Captain Robert Bean at Beene Cove located in Marion County, Tennessee.

The Bean and McBee families first connected and intermarried here in Marion County, Tennessee. The family name "McBee" was later mispronounced as "Magby" and even "Magsby." Dr. Turpin's great grandmother, Belle Magsby, is a descendant of Captain Robert Bean.

Wednesday, November 4, 2020

A Visit to Concord, Tennessee


In the late 1790s, young Martin Turpin arrived with the David Love family in East Tennessee. They came down the Clinch River on flatboats, rounded the bend at Southwest Point, and maneuvered upstream on the Holston River until they came to the Concord, Tennessee area.

In this video, Dr. Randy Turpin visits two important sites at Concord. He also speaks of the Russell, Campbell and Thompson families—people whose stories are relevant to the Turpin family story.

The Gravesite of Elizabeth (Belle) Magsby

For over forty years, Dr. Randy Turpin has wanted to visit the gravesite of his great grandmother, Elizabeth (Belle) Magsby/Magby. On November 4, 2020, that dream became a reality.

Belle was buried in an unmarked at Beason Cemetery in Chattanooga, Tennessee after her death at some point between the years 1904 and 1910.